Kaly cover shot. Not SEQ, but still nice :) |
Wow! I was amazed when issue #210 of my R&I subscription arrived and I discovered that there was a Queensland climbing photo-feature article
"The Wild Walls Down Under". R&I has a circulation of 30,000 and is one of the most recognisable climbing magazines in the world.
Simon Carter's photo article really showcases some of the variety our region offers, which is now being admired worldwide.
Stoked to see some of my first ascents as well as my best mates
John J O'Brien and Duncan Steel up in lights.
A couple of my Glasshouse first ascents. Pitiless (left) remains Glasshouses' hardest, while Stainless (Anti)climb is historic, being the first time these aid pitches have been freed. |
Duncan cranking our hard trad at Frog Buttress. |
Sabina (left) scored the cover of Simon and my guidebook to the region with this ascent of Aphelion 22 on Tibro, while Alex Straw (right) is hanging upside down on the top of my unrepeated route Bite The Hand That Feeds 31, which the project Taking Care of Business joins at Mt Coolum. |
JJ O'Brien climbing the route we established Black Leather Dungarees 26, Mt Coolum. And a picture of a grater. |
Beerwah: The Taipan of the North. The Zion of the South. The Grater of the them all!
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