Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ask The Coach #8: Training Series 3/3: The Seven Deadly Sins

In ROCK #91, you'll find my final article in my three-part training series entitled The Seven Deadly Sins. Why ROCK decided to label this article on the cover as "Just Climb It - Lee Cujes' seven awesome things" is anyone's guess.

Sidenote: With the news that Newsweek magazine will cease print at the end of the year and move to an online-only distribution, I had thoughts about the future of poor old ROCK magazine. As anyone who reads ROCK knows, it was the baby of prolific Australian climber Chris Baxter since he created the magazine in 1978. With Chris' ailing heath, the magazine was acquired by the Prime Creative Media stable in 2009. As well as producing a climbing magazine, this team also produces Global Coffee Review, Italianicious, Trailer Magazine, and many others. Initially, avid climber Ross Taylor was put in charge of producing ROCK, and he put in a valiant effort despite an obvious lack of resources. Eventually, Ross left ROCK and co-founded the excellent online publication Vertical Life, and editorial duties of ROCK fell to Prime Creative staffer and non-climber Aaron Flanagan. Once again, I have no doubt that Aaron is doing the best he can with the resources he has available, but I can't help but thinking that with the above-mentioned progression we're seeing the lid of ROCKs coffin being slowly nailed up. Perhaps it's inevitable. As Newsweek's editor said, “It really has not been a question of if, it was a question of when.”

Without further ado, please enjoy my final training article for ROCK magazine.

Page 1. Click to open image in viewer, then right click on it and select 'View Image'
to more easily read the full-size scanned pic.

Page 2. Click to open image in viewer, then right click on it and select 'View Image'
to more easily read the full-size scanned pic.

1 comment:

  1. For the ambitious, learning climber, this one sentence is the short cut:
    "There is no better way to improve than by climbing with someone who is doing what you want to be doing"
    You could cut years off the process by following this advice. I did, and I should have done it sooner.
