Monday, April 16, 2012

Ask The Coach #7: Training Series 2/3: Training finger strength

Autumn's issue of ROCK magazine is out and in it I get stuck into telling you how to go about training finger strength. Ideally suited to those who have perhaps tried before and given it up.

This is the second of a three-part training series and the content is something I'm proud of considering it's an area I have struggled with, and then really put in a singleminded, determined push to develop for the past six months. And it paid off. I've got miles to go, too.

So. Stronger fingers. Here's how.

Page 1. Click to open image in viewer, then right click on it and select 'View Image'
to more easily read the full-size scanned pic.
Page 2. Click to open image in viewer, then right click on it and select 'View Image'
to more easily read the full-size scanned pic.
The third and final installment of this training series will be coming up in July.

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