Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Video: Keller Rinaudo - China Climb 5.14b

A couple of days ago I was at White Mountain in Yangshuo, China. Apart from it being a great climbing day for me with a personal quickest 8a+/30 ascent (Gin & Tonic 2nd go), I had the opportunity to shoot and film some climbers on their projects. One of these climbers was Keller Rinaudo (USA) and he had been working China Climb 8c/33. This fantastic route was originally equipped by Australian Logan Barber (nice work dude!) and was first climbed by Yangshuo local Abond. Here's a short film we knocked together. Note that Keller's piece to camera was one take with no preparation. Someone give this guy a job on TV! :)

Play it here, or (better) open it up BIG on Vimeo.

Here's some behind the scenes stills from the shoot...

"Damn, you Aussies are resourceful!" -- Ethan Pringle
My bosun's chair for the shoot: 3 pieces of bamboo held together with finger tape.

Beginning the big jugging mission to get in position
In position! Lights camera action!

Me and Keller - a job well done!

Many thanks to Keller, Ethan Pringle and John O'Brien.