Tuesday, November 9, 2010

ROCK Magazine - Ask The Coach column

The good people over at ROCK magazine have asked me to contribute in the form of a regular column - Ask The Coach.  The issue with my first installment is out now (issue #84) and should be of interest to those climbers who are wrestling with the decision: Am I just climbing, or should I start training to climb?  And if so - where the hell should I start?

I hope you'll enjoy reading my perspective on these training-related topics.  It comes from compulsively reading everything I can on the subject over the last 10+ years, using myself as a crash test dummy and - over the last few years - having the opportunity to coach a lot of climbers of various body types and abilities.

Click to enlarge and read.
Pic is me on the FA of My Way or The Railway (8a/29), Butterfly Valley,
Cat Ba Island, Vietnam (c) Jason Piper.

Let me know what you think.

Thanks to those who submitted questions on Facebook a while ago, and I'll be chasing more questions to answer for upcoming issues in the coming months.

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