Climbing in Ten Sleep Canyon, Wyoming


Ten Sleep Canyon, Wyoming. The new IN spot in the US. Interesting though, because the climbing is kinda old school! Techy vertical walls abound. More rock than most could climb in a lifetime. Pockets EVERYWHERE! About 700 routes and growing. Summer only destination pretty much. Free camping. Come check it out.

Best guidebook cover - EVER :)

Crazy weather

Quality bridge access to French Cattle Ranch sector © G Llewellin 2010


Sam onsighting Eurotrash Girl 5.10b © G Llewellin 2010

Me standing on the newly developed 'Cigar'. You could possibly think of other names for this feature. © G Llewellin 2010

Me onsighting Floydirect 5.12a, Downtown. © G Llewellin 2010

Molly cranking out 11b on Valhalla

Now what?

Me flashing Keilbasa 5.12c/d at the French Cattle Ranch

Campfire planning

Gareth dispatching Floydirect 5.12a

Me doing the new Gravy Train 5.12b. © G Llewellin 2010

Mega rope whiplash!

We've been having some fun here. Completely opposite style to Maple Canyon where we've just been, so I've had to dial the grades back a bit, meanwhile Sam is dialing them up. And while I thought the size 40 Mago's I bought were too small and I would have to sell them, they've turned out to be just the ticket here to tame the often non-existent footholds.

Alright fingers, show me what you got!


Hawkman said...

This looks like a great place!

Dave said...

Oh my aching fingers that place looks cool. And pass my regards to the ink crew :-)