Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pfft! Endurance is so 1995

Mixing things up is a good thing.

I've been doing lots of bouldery climbing (see The Singularity) this season, so it makes sense to switch focus and have a project that is, well, a monstrous endurance beast.

And so it is.

The project in question was originally proposed by Mr Campbell in 2008, and set up by Mr Steel. It links the 15m Beastly Behaviour 8a/29 into the top 20m of One Hit To The Body 8a+/30, via a 13 move traverse to create a left tending line of epic proportions.

After buying a new rope (my other tatty cords weren't long enough) I've now sunk a handful of days into the route. It's tough enough just getting through the very burly Beastly, which I've managed to do six times so far, then it feels like the route actually begins. My biggest issue is tricking myself into thinking that positions which clearly aren't rests, actually are.

Back on the wagon tomorrow.

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