Monday, May 25, 2009

I can has rockclimbings

Great day. Not super conditions but reasonable. The breeze was very on and off, but mostly off.
  • 21+24+25+toproping new line to warm up
  • Four attempts on the proj, sticking the crux crimp longer again. Really an improved effort at sticking it. Felt like I had it for half a second or so on the two best shots. A slight but definite improvement on last session.
  • Toproped the new line again to figure out bolts.
  • Jugged line and cleaned new route, then equipped it. Starts just R of an existing 26 and climbs up through a small cave and up a shallow overhanging groove (four bolts) to join an existing 25 for its last two bolts. Roughly 24?
  • Sent the new route
  • Had a final destruction shot on the project
  • Led the 24 to retrieve some draws for Ben.
Planning on heading back out mid-week for yet more punishment.

It's funny, I'm not feeling the usual ups and downs in motivation and drive that comes with long term projecting. I'm just having fun. It's now all down to a single move.

The victory throw which marks the end of the hard climbing. The crux is just below. © G Llewellin 2009

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