Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New projects

It's always tough settling back into normality after returning from a great climbing trip.

We've been back a couple of weeks now, and hasn't the weather changed in the month we've been gone? We enjoyed superb weather in Kalymnos, while Queensland got hammered with storms and flooding. And now, summer has pounced and dug in its claws. On the drive up to Tibro yesterday it was 35°C. Thankfully we had a little breeze up in the Summit Cave to keep things slightly sane.

Before we left, you may remember I did the second ascent of The Beast From The East (29) in the Summit Cave and began establishing a new, harder line nearby. Well, I've now been back twice in the last few days to smash myself on it. It climbs out a roof for five bolts, then goes up a radically overhung wall to link in with the top two bolts of an existing 26. It's hard!

The view on this pic is pretty dodgy, so my apologies about that. But it gives you an idea of the terrain.

Me on my new project. Please excuse the view. © N Fewtrell 2008

I'm looking forward to sending this thing, but it's a long way off yet!

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