Monday, September 29, 2008

SE Queensland Route Progressions

Every area has its route progressions. If you were in the Blue Mountains and asked around for a good 25 to do, many people would point you at Madge McDonald at Centennial Glen. If you were successful on Madge you might step it up to its companion route Trix Roughly 26.

What follows is a little diagram which details a couple of route progressions for climbs in Queensland. These aren't necessarily benchmark routes at the grade. Some might be easy or hard for the money. But they are good progress routes. Meaning that completing one of them stands you in good stead for being able to progress to the next level in the same genre.

Notice the steep route genre focuses solely around Mt Coolum and Mt Tibrogargan in the Glasshouses, while in the face genre, we have routes from Kangaroo Point, Tibro, The Pulpit and Frog Buttress.

This also doesn't take into account the idea of consolidation, or building a solid base of ticks at a given grade before moving on, which is obviously important to do, and something we put a big focus on at Upskill.

You'll undoubtedly have your own ideas about possible progressions, and if you're not from Queensland, you might give some thought about how this idea relates to your local crags. Post up a comment if you're keen to share your ideas.

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